“Tozzi Green’s contribution to improving the local environment and the conditions of people who live there is underpinned by the concept that acting effectively requires responsibility, a practical approach and competence. Nothing can be improvised; hence, the need for a long-term perspective, precisely to make an effort today in order to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of future generations.”
Andrea Tozzi
As part of the Global Compact, in 2015 the United Nations approved a Global Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is urgent, given the progressive deterioration of the environmental conditions of our Planet. It encourages not only businesses, but all economic and social actors, including nation states, to commit to 17 goals by 2030 (SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals).
Tozzi Green believes that much of the 17 SDGs are part of the company’s way of being and operating, in Italy, but especially in Madagascar and Peru.
Tozzi Green’s Materiality Matrix (survey December 2021)

Tozzi Green has defined the relevant issues, which are the subject of reporting, in light of the Code of Ethics, the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, the assessment conducted by management in its capacity as the Sustainability Committee for the drafting of the Sustainability Report, edition 2020-2021, and the results of the consultation with stakeholder representatives, conducted during the month of December 2021.