“The Tozzi Green Group rejects all forms of discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation, health status, race, nationality, cultural background, political opinions and religious beliefs.
Phenomena such as racism, xenophobia, denial of crimes against humanity, in whatever form they are manifested, including dissemination via social media, are condemned in the strongest terms. In particular, the Tozzi Green Group guarantees employees and collaborators a safe and healthy working environment and working conditions that respect individual dignity.”
(Tozzi Green Code of Ethics)
Our energy, our development
We have clear behavioural goals and a shared vision that are fundamental to achieving results and creating value. Each of us leads by example, aware that our own behaviour is a reference point for everyone else. We treat cultures and opinions different from our own with respect and humility, and create an inclusive environment where the differences of groups and individuals are a valuable asset.
We work as a team. We build effective relationships and collaborate with all stakeholders in a professional manner.
Tozzi Green’s personnel management is based on the conviction that motivated and professionally excellent human resources are the key to competing and succeeding in its business. Therefore, the Companies of the Group promote working conditions and environments that favour proactivity, creativity, active participation, the ability to work in a team and the inclination to assume responsibility.
The Nice Company® is our point of reference
“The Nice Company is a good company, a good place to work.
An ethical, responsible, pleasant, environmentally friendly and people-oriented company; an attractive company for employees and all other economic and institutional stakeholders.
The Nice Company believes in sustainability. It is a company with high added economic, social, cultural and environmental value.
But the hallmark of the Nice Company and of “niceness” is to believe, strongly believe, in people and to work for the common well-being” (*)
Listening to people’s experiences is always important. It is even more so at a time when we are necessarily paying attention to distances, and when habits and traditions have undergone and are undergoing profound changes.
We have renewed our commitment to sustainability by strengthening our governance system through a process that, with everyone’s participation, will lead to obtaining UNI PdR 125:2022 certification (Gender Equality Management System), confirming the importance of always being innovators and promoters of an inclusive culture for a positive and fair working environment in which relations between male and female colleagues are marked by loyalty, fairness, mutual respect and trust.