The ability to conceive and create original solutions, through research and development, technical competence, experience and cutting edge technology.
Consulting services and integrated customised solutions which meet the specific needs of clients, partners and investors.
Aptitude for achieving concrete results by implementing strategies that utilise resources responsibly.
Loyalty, integrity and transparency.
Care for the environment, land and people. Commitment to the well-being of future generations.
A stable, healthy company with an effective consolidated business model.
People who work together with enthusiasm, determination and the constant desire to achieve increasingly ambitious goals. Precise and thorough experts who work to ensure reliability, efficiency and effectiveness.
We believe in sustainable development in all its ethical, social and environmental aspects.
Our mission
We work together with companies and regional agencies to create a world running on clean energy. A new growth model based on economic development, social progress and respect for the environment to live better today and lay the foundations for the well-being of future generations.
Our vision
We invest in the development of renewable energy power plants and we are a solid, international business bearing the hallmarks of innovation, organisation, efficiency and guaranteed results.
Tozzi Green is committed to protecting and respecting the rights of all people.
It guarantees and recognises civil, social, economic and cultural rights, turning them into concrete opportunities.
The Code of Ethics
“Our Code of Ethics provides a guide to the conduct expected by all, orientated toward the essential values of integrity, fairness and transparency.
The Code of Ethics expresses reference values and commitments undertaken by all the companies that are part of Tozzi Green (directly and indirectly controlled) and by all those who collaborate with these companies (Directors, Employees and Collaborators) in the conduct of company business.”
We believe in the importance of educating about people’s health and safety and the protection of the environment in which we live, that is the source of our energy and work.
Andrea Tozzi (from the QHSE video)
Corporate policy for health, safety and the environment
Tozzi Green believes that safeguarding the health and safety of workers and protecting the environment, as well as continuously improving company performance in these areas, are an integral part of the corporate strategy, pursued by minimising risks and “promoting positive examples”.
“Our company’s attention is focused on the pursuit of continuous improvement of operational processes, in terms of their effectiveness, efficiency, safety and environmental impact, through the annual planning of improvement targets and collaboration with the relevant authorities, within the national and international regulatory framework on sustainable development.
The Corporate Policy for Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment
Tozzi Green believes that safeguarding the health and safety of workers and protecting the environment, as well as continuously improving company performance in these areas, are an integral part of the corporate strategy, pursued by minimising risks and “promoting positive examples”.
“Our company’s attention is focused on the pursuit of continuous improvement of operational processes, in terms of their effectiveness, efficiency, safety and environmental impact, through the annual planning of improvement targets and collaboration with the relevant authorities, within the national and international regulatory framework on sustainable development.”
The Tozzi Green Group guarantees employees and collaborators a safe and healthy working environment and working conditions that respect individual dignity.
(Tozzi Green Code of Ethics)
Tozzi Green and QHSE values
Tozzi Green pursues a culture of quality, health and safety at work and in daily life, engaging in a continuous process of training, discussion and dialogue, directly involving its employees and collaborators to raise awareness and educate on occupational safety and health issues and to transfer knowledge and stimulate new ideas for the common well-being and continuous improvement of company routines and processes.
Tozzi Green decided to join the network of Italia Loves Sicurezza (, a movement of people united by the same passion for safety and health who believe in the need to revolutionise the traditional ways of “communicating” these issues, favouring channels based on participation, involvement and emotion. Tozzi Green has therefore promoted activities and projects, to be carried out both in-house and outside its organisation. aimed at raising awareness of QHSE issues, during which traditional training has been accompanied by unconventional communication activities aimed at maximising people’s involvement.